Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Workshop Day at Emilie's

The Stack & Weeden Girls arrive at Miss Emilie's home
for a special Spring Break Workshop Day

Today we took our girls to visit long time Summer Market vendor - Emilie Illson.  She was kind enough to invite our daughters to her home for a special day of crafting!  As we went to lunch at Sweet Melissa, visited Robin over at Cosmic Collectibles and Linda at Local Girl, the girls stayed with Miss Emilie and enjoyed making button necklaces, having lunch, touring her home & ending the day with some delicious cupcakes!  Emilie is a collector who cherishes treasures from the past.  She creates button bracelets out of the thousands of buttons that she has collected throughout the years.  She is so special and we LOVE having her at the Summer Market!  (our girls love her too!)

Miss Emilie shows the girls the buttons & treats
they will get to work with

Lots to choose from!

Miss Emilie made these special nametags for
the girls and sewed on a special button for each of them

Miss Emilie's collection of cleaned and separated buttons

The girls get started!

A beautiful display of Emilie's handmade bracelets

On the windowsill in her "button room"

More designs with handwritten descriptions

Miss Emilie's home is filled with wonderful
collections that she loves to share with visitors

a wall in her button room


A great day of building button necklaces

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